Newspaper Poetry
Poetry for Everyone
Poetry that Exposes, Informs, and Entertains
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Business Poetry is becoming a powerful area of potential readership. Poetry is able to connect the hearts of executives, attorneys, accountants, managers, and sales persons with their occupations and their homelife. Corporate visionaries have helped design a program with the State of California called 'School to Work' which emphasizes Poetry and the other arts as a vehicle to build more creative multidimensional managers. Creative people have what it takes to respond quickly, decisively, and appropriately to changes in markets, innovations, distribution, and customer service.

Religious Poetry is becoming a means of positive social change. Many people turn to the Religion Section to find hope in a troubled world. With violence, political upheavals, and despair filling the pages of local and International sections, there is need for a moral, ethical, encouraging presence. Poetry is a vehicle to encourage caring people who have what it takes to respond quickly, decisively, and appropriately to changes in neighborhoods, political environments, and racial or economic intolerance.

Love Poetry reminds us of the important people in our lives and encourages us to show them the kindness they need and deserve.

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Business Poetry
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Religious Poetry

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Copyright © 2010 All Rights Reserved Last modified: March 1, 2010.